Percentage to CGPA calculator
CGPA History
Percentage | CGPA | Scale |
How does calculator work?
The percentage to CGPA calculator is a tool that works under a formula. It uses a specific formula or conversion factor to map percentages into CGPA values.
Here’s a breakdown of how the percentage to CGPA calculator works:
Identify the Grading Scale
The calculator first identifies the grading scale being used. The most common scales are:
10-point CGPA scale (used in India and some other countries)
4-point GPA scale (used in the US, Canada, and parts of China)
5-point CGPA scale (used in some institutions in India and China)
Each scale has its formula for converting percentages into CGPA.
Use a Predefined Formula
The calculator applies a specific formula based on the scale. Here are the common formulas:
For a 10-point Scale:
This formula assumes that 95% corresponds to a CGPA of 10.0.
For a 4-point Scale:
This assumes that 100% corresponds to a GPA of 4.0.
For a 5-point Scale:
This assumes that 100% corresponds to a CGPA of 5.0.
Input the Percentage
The user enters their percentage score into the calculator. For example:
Input: 85%
Perform the Calculation
The calculator applies the appropriate formula based on the selected grading scale.
Example for 10-Point Scale:
Input: 85%
Formula: CGPA=Percentage/9.5
Output: CGPA=8.95
Example for 4-Point Scale:
Input: 85%
Formula: CGPA=Percentage/25
Output: CGPA=3.4
Example for 5-Point Scale:
Input: 85%
Formula: CGPA=Percentage/20
Output: CGPA=4.25
Display the Result
The calculated CGPA is displayed to the user. The result will reflect the grading scale chosen and the input percentage.
Additional Features in Advanced Calculators
Some advanced percentage to CGPA calculators may include additional features:
Multiple Scale Options: Allow users to select from 10-point, 4-point, or 5-point scales.
Batch Calculation: Input multiple percentages (e.g., for all semesters) and calculate the overall CGPA.
Weighted CGPA Calculation: Incorporate course credit hours into the calculation for a more precise CGPA.
How It Works Behind the Scenes
Algorithm: The calculator uses a predefined formula based on the scale selected.
Precision: Many calculators round the result to two decimal places to ensure clarity.
Validation: Some calculators may validate the input to ensure the percentage is within the expected range (e.g., 0–100%).
How to use the tool?
First of all select the grade scale and then enter your earned percentage. For example, I have putten 90% and chosen a 4.0 GPA scale.
When you press calculate button your desired CGPA will be shown. For 90% my CGPA is 3.60
Below that, the donut pie chart will show achieved and remaining percentages, and a history table is also given to know all calculations, and when reset button will pressed, it will reset the present calculation
Why Use a Percentage to CGPA Calculator?
Ease of conversion:
Avoid manual calculations and errors.
Standardized Output:
Ensures consistency with institutional or international standards.
Quickly convert multiple percentages into CGPA.
Its very important to know which how to convert percentage to CGPA. this knowledge helps students, professors and other teachers to calculate their grades. this calculator can be very useful tool for all of them because it has every grade scale and it also saves time of calculation.