Importance of cgpa and percentage in our life

Importance of CGPA and percentage in your life

A student always thinks about the CGPA and the percentage for which he/she is working hard. What is the importance of CGPA and percentage? Does it really matter in our life or at any point of our life do we need CGPA or percentage?. The answer is yes.

importance of cgpa

Both percentage and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) are very important academic indicators that have a big impact on how our lives turn out. This is why they are important.

Some of the reasons that CGPA and percentage play an important role in our lives are listed below:

Most universities use CGPA, or percentage, as criteria for admission. If we have a good CGPA or percentage, we can have admission to our desired university, without CGPA or percentage its not possible to get admission anywhere.

If you score good cgpa we can get scholarships also. Thats why having good CGPA can give you benefits.

Many employers, especially for entry-level jobs, evaluate candidates based on academic performance. Some companies set a specific CGPA for hiring. CGPA plays an important role in getting a job.

Career opportunities

CGPA serves as a standardized measure to evaluate a student’s understanding and performance across subjects. Student academic performance can be judged by their CGPA.

It provides a crystal clear picture of the student.

Certain government jobs and competitive exams have minimum CGPA requirements for eligibility. It act as baseline for candidates to qualify for advance stages.


CGPA can play very improtant role in your life. Having a good CGPA will also give you advantage. CGPA, for some students is everything because their future depends on it. Now you can think how important CGPA is for some students. So, always try to get good CGPA.

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